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Posted 11/19/17


What can be done to prevent mass shootings?

     For Police Issues by Julius (Jay) Wachtel. Please forgive us if this essay seems a bit more prescriptive than what Police Issues normally offers, but it’s only been a few days since an angry, heavily armed man opened fire in a rural Texas church, leaving twenty-six dead and more than a dozen injured, many critically.

     It’s not to make light of this horror to point out that within hours of last month’s reveals about Hollywood Harvey, waves of similar accusations engulfed prominent figures on both sides of the Atlantic, leading a growing number of highly-placed “untouchables” to lose lucrative contracts, past honors and memberships in influential groups and making them vulnerable to unwelcome non-sexual advances by aggressive prosecutors.

     So where’s the follow-through when dozens of innocents are gunned down? That’s the question we should have asked after Las Vegas. And Orlando. And San Bernardino. And Sandy Hook. And Aurora. And on and on. (Click here for CNN’s comprehensive list of mass shootings.) To be sure, one might argue that every killer was appropriately punished. Excepting a few such as James Holmes, who drew life without parole for murdering a dozen movie-goers in Aurora, Colorado, mass shooters have usually perished at their own hands or those of the police.

     When it comes to violent crime, it really is all about prevention. Poor behavior is far less likely when one has the capacity to reason and a lot to lose. Publicly shaming Hollywood Harveys affords a lot of welcome support to victims of sexual misconduct. Lasting cultural reform seems just around the corner. In contrast, calling it a day (as we usually do) after yet another unhinged killer commits suicide or is killed by a cop seems wildly inadequate.

Click here for the complete collection of gun control essays

     So far, though, the White House has played it close to the chest. Sure enough, President Trump called the Las Vegas shooter “sick” and “demented.” But our Commander-in-Chief otherwise declined to show his hand. Gun control? “At some point perhaps that [discussion] will come. That’s not today.” His reticence was mirrored by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell: “Look, the investigation has not even been completed, and I think it’s premature to be discussing legislative solutions, if there are any.” (That’s our emphasis, by the way.)

     Then Texas happened. Once more, President Trump attributed the massacre to mental illness: “Mental health is your problem here. This was a very, based on preliminary reports, this was a very deranged individual, a lot of problems over a long period of time.” This time, though, he also addressed gun laws. In his view, tougher restrictions would not have helped:

    ...there would have been no difference three days ago, and you might not have had that very brave person who happened to have a gun or a rifle in his truck go out and shoot him, and hit him, and neutralize him. I can only say this, if he didn’t have gun, instead of having 26 dead, you would have had hundreds more dead. So that’s the way I feel about it…You look at the city with the strongest gun laws in our nation is Chicago, and Chicago is a disaster, a total disaster….

     This post will outline a variety of approaches to prevent mass shootings. We’ll begin with the two championed by our Twitterer-in-Chief, then move on to address our long-running preoccupation with firearms lethality.

Keeping firearms from the mentally ill

     Fear of punishment can’t be expected to deter those whose capacity to reason is seriously impaired. Skimming the personal histories of mass shooters suggests that they are indeed a flaky bunch. Consider, for example, the title of a recent New York Times piece about the Texas shooter: “In Air Force, Colleague Feared Church Gunman Would ‘Shoot Up the Place’.” Or the headline that crowns a CBS News report on the Orlando gunman: “James Holmes saw three mental health professionals before shooting.”

     Mental problems have beset at least a few so-called “terrorists.” Consider, for example, Ahmad Rahami, the prototypical holy warrior who was recently convicted of planting improvised bombs in New York City, injuring several dozen. Although he seemed normal as a youth, by the time he reached his late twenties Rahami had become sullen and aggressive, leading to repeat entanglements with the law, once for violating a restraining order and another for stabbing a relative.

     A detailed 2016 study for the Department of Justice reported that forty-eight percent of “solo” mass killers (four or more victims) had a history of mental illness (p. 23). But some experts caution against equating one with the other. A recent Congressional report concedes that most mass killers “arguably suffered from some form of mental instability, at least temporarily.” However, many didn’t meet the clinical definition of “psychotic” or “hallucinatory” and lacked significant encounters with police or the mental health system (p. 30).

     Therein lies the crux of the dilemma. Federal law prohibits possession of firearms by any person who has been “adjudicated as a mental defective” or “committed to a mental institution.” (Emphases ours.) Prior judicial determinations are also required under State laws (e.g., Arizona). So the law’s present reach is at best limited. What’s more, most states don’t require background checks for gun transfers between private parties; even if someone is of record as mentally ill, enforcement is uncertain.

     What about early intervention? “A Stitch in Time” suggested that police officers are well placed to identify candidates for mental health services. Rahami might have benefitted from such early attention. Ditto for Kevin Neal, the Northern California man who went on a rampage earlier this week, gunning down five including his wife and wounding several others before deputies shot him dead [update: he committed suicide during the exchange of fire]. His guns included several “home-made” AR-15 type .223 caliber rifles whose sale was never registered in California, where all gun transfers (including between private parties) must be recorded. Neal faced  assault and robbery charges, was under a restraining order for allegedly stabbing a girlfriend and striking her mother, and had been ordered by a judge to surrender his guns because neighbors had repeatedly complained of his reckless gunfire and harassment. But he still wasn’t considered sufficiently deranged to be forcibly committed. (See 7/10/22 update)

     What could be done?

  • Compel aggressive citizens to seek mental health treatment and make it part of the official record
  • Extend legal prohibitions on gun possession to persons who have been treated for mental illness although not formally adjudicated
  • Subject all gun transfers, including between private parties, to a background check
  • Prohibit private citizens from assembling firearms from parts, or require that such weapons be registered

     To be sure, these measures are inherently intrusive and could conflict with Federal and State laws and constitutional provisions. They are also at odds with some sentiment in the mental-health community. According to a major advocacy group, “most people with mental illness are not violent” and barring them from guns would be counter-productive:

    Creating new federal or state gun laws based on mental illness could have the effect of creating more barriers to people being willing to seek treatment and help when they need it most. Solutions to gun violence associated with mental illness lie in improving access to treatment, not in preventing people from seeking treatment in the first place.

Arming private citizens

     After massacring more than two dozen parishioners, Devin Kelley left his Ruger AR-556 .223 caliber rifle (an AR-15 clone) in the church and stepped out brandishing two handguns. That’s when an armed citizen opened fire with a rifle, wounding Kelley twice. After a wild car chase, Kelley shot himself dead. Although President Trump’s claim that “you would have [otherwise] had hundreds more dead” seems wildly overblown, private citizens brought the episode to an end, safeguarding the lives of other persons and police.

     It’s to be expected that in a society as awash with guns as the U.S. interventions by armed citizens will occur with some frequency. A pro-gun website, Crime Research, tracks such incidents, or at least those that turn out well. Those that don’t are fodder for groups with opposing views. Indeed, past posts have mentioned significant goofs by armed “good guys.” In one, a well-meaning armed citizen tried to take on the Tacoma Mall shooter and lost – badly. And there was the Johnny-come-lately armed citizen who mistakenly went after the wrong person at the 2011 Tucson massacre. (Thankfully, unarmed civilians apprehended the real shooter.)

     Academics have long debated the value of arming ordinary folks. A 1999 paper by John R. Lott Jr. (a well-known booster of gun carry) and William M. Landes reported significantly fewer multiple victim shootings where permissive gun carry laws were in effect. In his seminal pro-gun book, “More Guns, Less Crime,” Professor Lott went so far as to conclude that “without concealed carry, ordinary citizens are sitting ducks, waiting to be victimized” (p. 197). As one might expect, anti-gunners have risen to the challenge.

     For a “fair and balanced” assessment we turn to an exhaustive 2005 meta-review by a CDC-affiliated working group. Its members examined fifty-five studies that assessed the influence of gun laws on violence, including four that addressed the effects of permissive (“shall issue”) concealed-carry statutes. (Eight papers including one co-authored by John Lott were excluded for the same methodological flaws that have some academics to criticize his alleged pro-gun bias.)

     No matter. After a substantial effort, the task force concluded, in effect, that no conclusion was possible:

    Based on findings from national law assessments, cross-national comparisons, and index studies, evidence is insufficient to determine whether the degree or intensity of firearms regulation is associated with decreased (or increased) violence. (p. 59)

Do Gun Laws Work?” arrived at a similarly unsatisfying end. We initially found that as the strength of state gun laws increased, homicide rates significantly declined (r= -.366*). But when differences in poverty were taken into account, the association between gun laws and homicide became statistically non-significant (r= -.196). (On the other hand, the relationships between gun law strength/gun deaths and gun law strength/gun suicides remained substantial.)

     Arming private citizens raises some critical issues:

  • Psychological suitability. Would expanded carry laws imperil public safety by encouraging mentally unstable persons to “pack”?
  • Effects on the police workplace. Can armed citizens help? Would they be readily distinguishable from criminals? Or are they more likely to disrupt the police response, adding needless complexity to fluid and uncertain situations?

     One might tackle such concerns by revisiting the concept of a citizens militia. Certain gun privileges could be conditioned on membership in an organized, vetted and well-trained citizen group. Excluding marginal characters wouldn’t be easy, though, and require a process that resembles what’s presently done when hiring police.

Limiting gun lethality

     Prior posts (see, for example, “Bump Stocks” and “A Ban in Name Only”) have commented about this concern in considerable detail, so here we’ll summarize aspects that seem most pertinent to mass shootings.

     Mass killers have nearly always used “assault weapons,” usually militarily-derived semi-automatic rifles with large magazine capacities and fearsome ballistics. AR-15 clones in .223 caliber have proven especially popular, featuring in the recent Northern California massacre as well as those in Texas, Las Vegas, Orlando, San Bernardino, Sandy Hook and Aurora. Lethally equivalent AK-47 clones in 7.62 caliber were used by the shooter who wounded four at a Congressional baseball practice in June and the sniper who murdered five officers and wounded nine while perched in a Dallas office building last year.

     These weapons share particularly lethal features. Large magazine capacities reduce the need to reload. A high cyclic rate allows quick discharge of a volley of rounds. Accuracy at range lets snipers deposit accurate fire from a distance. Yet the possibly most significant characteristic, ballistics, is seldom mentioned even by the most rabid anti-gunners. High-velocity centerfire rifle projectiles such as .223 and 7.62 calibers create temporary cavities in flesh that are many times the bullet diameters, shattering bones and pulverizing organs and blood vessels (Vincent Di Maio, “Gunshot Wounds,” Chapter 7, summary here).

     We’ve repeatedly warned, most recently in “Bump Stocks”, that rounds fired by such weapons easily penetrate the ballistic vests normally worn by street cops. That’s how two Palm Springs (Calif.) police officers died last October, struck by .223 caliber rounds fired through a home’s front door. Table 38 of the UCR’s latest “Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted” report quantifies this threat in stark terms. Rifle fire killed all but one of the twenty-two officers slain between 2007-2016 with rounds that penetrated body armor. That’s why police have “militarized,” deploying armored vehicles and adopting tactics that seem more attuned to combat zones than our nation’s cities.

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     So what can be done? “A Ban in Name Only” pointed out the futility of reinstating the Federal assault weapons ban. Cannily devised to avoid upsetting the firearms industry and gun enthusiasts, it made much hash of irrelevant external baubles such as handgrips and flash suppressors while allowing substantial magazine capacities and ignoring ballistics altogether. For a study in contrast consider England’s reaction to the 1987 Hungerford massacre. One year after sixteen persons were gunned down by a deranged man wielding a handgun and two rifles Great Britain banned all semi-automatic rifles beyond .22 rimfire, a prohibition that still stands.

     Of course that seems a very far stretch in the U.S., where massacres (their victims are invariably ordinary citizens and street cops) draw far less of a response than the sexual peccadillos of the wealthy and famous. With that in mind, here are a few options:

  • Devise a point system that scores firearm lethality. Factors to consider include ammunition capacity, cyclic rate, accuracy at range and, of course, ballistics. Guns whose scores exceed specified thresholds could be subject to a range of controls, including limits or outright prohibitions on manufacture, possession and transfer.
  • Require that all gun transfers to private parties, or all that involve firearms whose lethality exceeds a specified threshold, go through a licensed dealer and be subject to a criminal records check.
  • Prohibit the marketing of parts that private persons can use to assemble firearms while circumventing a records check. (For more on that click here and here).

     Your faithful blogger is ready to help (pro bono, no less) a public university or major nonprofit assemble a public symposium on mass shootings. Sure, it’s politically chancy. But given what keeps happening, it’s really, really hard to think of a more pressing concern. Here’s hoping that there will be a taker!

     Incidentally, this also happens to be our three-hundredth blog post. Pop a cork!

UPDATES (scroll)

11/2/23  Persons who frequented the Lewiston, Maine bowling alley and the bar and grille where Robert Card carried out his massacre said that he was troubled by his break up with a woman he met at the bar. His ex-ladyfriend said Card had turned “delusional”. Card was angry because the manager and customers supposedly called him as a “pedo” for taking the woman’s daughters to lunch. According to Card’s son, “paranoia” about being labeled a “pedo” long upset Card, who had accused members of his Army unit of doing just that when he had his mental evaluation.

10/31/23  A 20-year old man attired in body armor and a helmet snuck into the Glenwood Caverns adventure park in Colorado during its off-hours. Diego Barajas Medina was equipped with a small arsenal of firearms, including “ghost guns”. He also had explosives, some real and some fake. Medina may have intended to carry out a massacre. But authorities found him in a bathroom, shot dead in an apparent suicide. “I am not a killer, I just wanted to get into the caves” he wrote on a wall.

10/30/23  Army reservist Robert Card, the Maine shooter, committed suicide. According to ATF, Card had acquired all his guns legally. His July mental health episode during training, which led military authorities to have him taken to a mental ward, was apparently not considered involuntary, and his name was not placed on the national insta-check gun purchase system. But On August 5, while trying to pick up a silencer, Card checked on the gun purchase form that he had been committed, and the sale was denied. One month later Card’s home-town Sheriff alerted Maine law enforcement agencies of Card’s threats to shoot up the base. But Maine’s “Yellow Flag” law was not invoked.

10/27/23  Including the recent massacre in Lewiston, Maine, the U.S. has suffered 28 mass killings during the past six months, leaving 140 innocent persons dead. According to the AP/USA Today/NE University database, which defines mass killings as violent attacks by guns or other means where four or more persons other than the killer died within 24 hrs., that’s a record high. Maine’s gun laws are considered weak. It does not prohibit assault weapons or large-capacity magazines. Responding to mass shootings, it passed a “Yellow Flag” law four years ago, allowing police to seek a court order to detain a seemingly dangerous person, but only after a medical practitioner has declared them of unsound mind.

10/26/23  An Army Reservist opened fire with an assault rifle in a Lewiston, Maine restaurant and a bowling alley, killing eighteen and wounding more than a dozen. Robert Card, 40,  has been charged with multiple counts of murder. He is presently at large. In July military authorities at a base where Card was training called police after he reported “hearing voices and threats to shoot up” the base. He was taken to a mental hospital, where he was confined for two weeks.

6/27/23  Anderson Lee Aldrich, the self-professed nonbinary person who burst into “Club Q”, a Colorado Springs nightclub that serves the gay community, and opened fire with an AR-15 rifle, killing five persons and wounding two dozen, pled guilty to all counts and will serve multiple life sentences with no possibility of parole. Survivors have accused him of pretending to be nonbinary to gain sympathy. (See below updates)

12/17/22  In 2021 a Colorado judge dismissed kidnapping charges against Anderson Aldrich, who recently committed the “Club Q” massacre, because the victims, his grandparents, stopped cooperating. But the judge spoke about Aldrich’s mental illness, affinity for guns and history of making threats and warned that without treatment, “it’s going to be so bad.”

12/9/22  One day before Anderson Aldrich’s family called police about his bomb threat, his grandparents alerted the FBI about his “homicidal threats.” While the FBI opened an investigation, it dropped it after local authorities charged Aldrich with menacing and kidnapping. Those charges, though, were also ultimately dropped. Police say that family members refused to cooperate and avoided subpoenas. “At the end of the day, they weren’t going to testify against Andy,” said a neighbor. (see 11/21/22 update)

11/26/22  Andre Bing, the Chesapeake, VA Walmart team leader who gunned down six colleagues, left a “death note” in his phone that bemoaned his childhood and complained of harassment by coworkers “with low intelligence and a lack of wisdom [who] gave me evil twisted grins, mocked me and celebrated my down fall the last day.” But he apologized. “Sorry everyone but I did not plan this I promise things just fell in place like I was led by the Satan.” Bing had legally bought his pistol earlier that day.

11/25/22  Mass shootings are becoming a near-daily occurrence. Yesterday four Philadelphia teens were shot and wounded in a drive-by as they stood by a corner store near their high school. One day earlier a Chesapeake, Virginia Walmart team leader with a reputation for picking on employees inexplicably opened fire with a pistol as night-shift stockers gathered in a break room. Andre Bing, 31, killed six and wounded an equal number before shooting himself dead. It was the State’s second mass shooting in less than two weeks. On November 13 a University of Virginia student used a handgun to kill three fellow students and wound two others at the end of a field trip.

11/21/22  Late Saturday night, November 19, Colorado Springs-area resident Anderson Lee Aldrich, 22, burst into a local gay nightclub and opened fire with an AR-15 style rifle, killing five and injuring two dozen. A patron quickly subdued him. Last June deputies responded to a call by Aldrich’s mother, who said her son was threatening her with a homemade bomb. Aldrich was arrested, but no bomb was found and no charges were filed. El Paso County, where the incident occurred, has declared itself a “Second Amendment sanctuary” and passed a 2019 resolution criticizing Colorado’s Red Flag law. (See 12/9/22, 12/17/22 and 6/27/23 updates)

9/14/22  “Bump stocks” are aftermarket accessories that convert recoil from each gunshot into a trigger pull for the next without user intervention. Ordinary guns become, in effect, “machineguns.” And the toll from their rapid fire can be enormous, such as the sixty dead and more than 400 wounded in the 2017 Las Vegas massacre. ATF subsequently ruled the devices illegal. But gun boosters have mounted a series of challenges; the most recent will soon be heard by the full Fifth Circuit in New Orleans.

8/1/22  School districts across the U.S. have increased the use of armed teachers. Twenty-eight now allow faculty other than guards to pack guns. Florida’s program, which began after the 2018 Marjory Stoneman high school massacre, is one of the largest. Spurred by the recent massacre in Uvalde, Ohio changed its law, reducing required training to 24 hours from the the 700 hours previously mandated.

7/18/22  A man opened fire with a rifle in a Greenwood, Indiana mall, killing three and wounding two, including a 12-year old girl. He was in turn shot dead by a 22-year old patron who was lawfully carrying a handgun. According to the New York Times, armed private citizens shot assailants in twelve out of 433 shooting episodes between 2000-2021. “Defensive gun use” by armed citizens is tracked by CPRC.

7/10/22  Not all massacres are born “equal.” Kevin Neal’s November 2017 shooting spree in rural Rancho Tehama, California, which claimed the lives of his wife and four others and wounded eleven, didn’t get the headlines. Beset with physical and mental after-effects, the survivors of this “forgotten” event have had to do the best they could with the limited funds that were raised. For them, said the Times, “their ‘hell’ never ends.”

6/28/22  The tiny hamlet of Utopia, Texas, pop. 270, sits in a remote region about 45 miles north of Uvalde. With deputies about a half-hour away, residents must fend for themselves. After the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre, the school board authorized teachers at the local elementary school to obtain permits and carry guns. And some - they remain anonymous but are known to deputies and administrators - still do. “If there was a shooter on campus, our job is to neutralize the threats, or at least hold them in the area until law enforcement can get here and do their jobs.” 

6/24/22  ALERTT, a Texas State University site, tracks “active attacks,” meaning attempts “to kill  multiple unrelated people in a public space” by guns, knives or vehicles.  Of the 464 attacks recorded between 2000-2021, 232 were at businesses and 69 at schools. Most attacks (434) were with guns, primarily pistols. Fifty-seven percent (266) ended before police arrived. Of those, victims stopped 16 percent (73), 49 physically and 24 by shooting. Of the remaining 198, police stopped 105 by shooting.

6/8/22  Just released, a RAND-produced, NIJ-sponsored “Mass Attacks Defense Toolkit” promises to help police, public officials, community leaders and schools take measures to “reduce the likelihood of mass shootings and other public attacks, and reduce the casualties of completed attacks.” Its main components include “proactive prevention,” to encourage the public to report possible threats, “relentless follow-up” by coordinated interagency teams, and “diligent training” of potential responders.

6/1/22  According to the Gun Violence Archive, which defines mass shootings as those where four or more persons other than the shooter are wounded or killed, there were fifteen mass shootings in twelve States during the 2022 Memorial Day weekend (May 28-30) leaving nine dead and 73 wounded. Ten were wounded in a single incident in downtown Charleston (SC), where a police officer was injured by glass fragments when rounds shattered his car’s windows. There were eight mass shootings during the Memorial day weekend in 2021, with eight dead and 46 wounded, and thirteen in 2020, with nine dead and 55 wounded.

5/25/22  On May 24, in Uvalde, Texas, Salvador Ramos, 18, shot and wounded his grandmother. He then walked into an elementary school with an AR-15 style rifle and opened fire, killing nineteen students and two teachers. Ramos was shot dead by police. He  legally purchased two assault-style rifles and a supply of ammunition days earlier, shortly after turning eighteen. Described as a troubled youth, Ramos had reportedly posted photos of his guns online and a suggestion that “kids should watch out.”

5/18/22  Laguna Woods (CA) church shooter David Wenwei Chou, 68, who opened fire with two handguns during a banquet, was a deeply troubled person. His wife had left him and moved back to Taiwan. Impoverished and unable to pay rent, he was evicted from his apartment. New tenants found “horrible pictures” of Chou posing with a gun, including one at a memorial to a mass shooting. “I just don’t care about my life anymore” he said. A beating he suffered years earlier had also left its toll.

5/17/22  An NIJ study of 172 mass shooters between 1966-2019 reveals that most were deeply troubled persons and often in “a state of crisis” when they committed their acts. Most were employees or students of the institutions they targeted, used lawfully purchased handguns, and “engaged in leaking their plans before opening fire. NIJ’s data source was the Violence Project database of mass shootings.

4/11/22  Journalist Mark Follman’s new book, “Trigger Points,” argues that “behavioral threat assessment,” an emerging preventive approach that has been adopted by schools in more than a dozen States, can reduce the incidence of mass shootings. Trained employees watch for “warning behaviors” including threats, aggressive behaviors and an unusual interest in shootings. They listen closely for concerns from family and friends. Specialized “threat teams” that include behavioral specialists visit homes, determine the access to firearms, and provide personalized counseling to troubled individuals.

2/28/22  Fourteen persons were shot, one fatally, as an argument erupted between patrons at a Las Vegas hookah lounge two days ago. At least two shooters were involved. Their motives and identities are as yet unknown. It’s the worst shooting in the city since the 2017 massacre, when Stephen Paddock opened fire from a hotel room on the Strip, killing fifty-eight, the most in American history.

9/29/21  On June 28, 2018 Jarrod W. Ramos, a computer engineer barged into the offices of the Capital Gazzette, a newspaper in Annapolis, MD, and opened fire with a shotgun, killing five and wounding two. He pled guilty by reason of insanity, but in July 2021 a jury found him sane. He has now been sentenced to life without parole. Ramos had sued the paper in 2012 for running a story about his harassment of a former classmate, an incident for which he received a suspended sentence.

9/24/21  In Collierville, Tennessee, “a prosperous community with a low crime rate,” the reportedly disgruntled employee of a vendor entered a Kroger supermarket brimming with customers and employees and opened fire, killing one and wounding twelve. He then committed suicide. In July Tennessee enacted a law that allows adults to carry handguns openly or concealed without a permit. Asked then about mass shootings, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee, who pushed the measure, said that stronger penalties for gun misuse, which also passed, “would help prevent gun crimes in the future.”

6/16/21 (updated 6/21/21) Chicago experienced two mass shootings in a single day. In the troubled Englewood neighborhood, a pair of armed men “burst into a home” and opened fire, leaving five dead and three wounded. Hours later five were wounded, one critically, in an “attack” in the Garfield Park area. Other shootings that day left at least two dead and one wounded.

6/13/21  Around the U.S., three mass shootings in the span of a few hours left at least twenty-six wounded and two dead. It began in Savannah on Friday evening when the occupants of a passing car fired dozens of rounds at a crowd gathered outside an apartment complex, killing one and wounding six. Early the next morning, a dispute between two persons in an Austin bar district left fourteen wounded, two critically. About the same time, two gunmen opened fire on a small group gathered in a troubled Chicago neighborhood. One person died and six were wounded.

6/3/21  On May 9 a “jealous and controlling” boyfriend barged into a birthday party being held in a mobile home at a Colorado Springs mobile home park and opened fire. Teodoro Macias, 28, killed six members of an extended family, including his girlfriend. He then turned the gun on himself, inflicting a fatal wound. Macias has no known criminal record; his 9mm pistol had been locally purchased by a third party in 2014. It is said that Macias was angry at being excluded from the event.

5/31/21  Early Sunday morning, May 30, a crowd leaving a Miami-Dade County music hall after the release of a rap album was ambushed by three masked gunmen who had been waiting outside in their vehicle. Wearing “ski masks and hoodies” and wielding semi-automatic rifles and handguns, they unleashed a barrage of fire that killed two and wounded at least twenty.

5/29/21  New information reveals that San Jose mass shooter Samuel Cassidy fired thirty-nine shots during his rampage. He was armed with three 9mm. pistols and carried thirty-two high-capacity pistol magazines. “Highly disgruntled” with his job situation and facing possible discipline, he apparently targeted co-workers whom he did not like. A search of his home revealed twelve additional firearms, twenty-five thousand rounds of ammunition, gasoline cans and suspected molotov cocktails.

5/27/21  A disgruntled San Jose, Calif. railyard employee reportedly armed with “two semiautomatic pistols and 11 magazines of handgun ammunition” opened fire on his early morning work shift, killing nine co-workers. Samuel James Cassidy, 57, then committed suicide. His long-estranged wife said he had a “mercurial temper,” while a girlfriend accused him of rape and alcohol-induced “mood swings” when they exchanged restraining orders several years ago. Cassidy, who apparently set fire to his home before going to work, was described as “lonely and “strange” by a neighbor. There is no indication that Cassidy was either prohibited from having guns or was subject to any weapons prohibitions.

3/26/21  On March 24 a 22-year old man lugged an AR-15 rifle and a satchel into an Atlanta grocery store and went to the restroom. A customer alerted police. Rico Marley, 22, was promptly arrested. Aside from the rifle, police found three pistols, a revolver, a shotgun and a tactical vest. Marley was booked for intention to commit a felony while armed. His mental health is being evaluated.

3/23/21  On 3/22 a man armed with an assault-style rifle opened fire in a Boulder (CO) market and murdered ten persons. Among his victims was Boulder police officer Eric Talley, 51, who was first to arrive. Boulder has an ordinance that prohibits assault weapons acquired after June 15, 2018 but a judge recently ruled its provisions invalid as the subject matter is preempted by State law.

3/17/21  Yesterday morning Robert Aaron Long, 21, bought a 9mm. pistol at an Atlanta gun shop. Georgia does not have a waiting period, so after passing an Insta-check he promptly left with the gun. Long soon visited three massage parlors. In each he opened fire, killing a total of eight persons. Long was arrested while driving to Florida, supposedly to continue his spree. He told police he was a customer of the parlors, calling them a “sexual addiction” and a “temptation he wanted to eliminate.”

3/11/21  Two days ago a 69-year old Chicago man with a CCW license opened fire on three teens who pulled up in a stolen car and tried to rob him. He wounded one in the knee, and all three fled. Police captured the teens after they crashed their vehicle. So far two face charges: one is 15, the other, 16. It’s unknown whether the youths were armed.

2/10/21  A mentally troubled rural Minnesota man who was under a restraining order for threatening to blow up a hospital in 2018 surrendered after using a handgun to shoot up a rural clinic, killing one and wounding four. Gregory Paul Ulrich, 67 also set several explosive devices, which did not detonate. Long known as a troublemaker by other residents and police, Ulrich was reportedly upset that doctors refused to continue prescribing pain medication to which he had apparently become addicted.

4/14/20 A Federal judge allowed a lawsuit to proceed against Colt Firearms and other manufacturers and retailers of the AR-15 rifles used in the Las Vegas massacre. He found that the defendants continued making and distributing AR-15’s “with a stock that can be easily removed and replaced” even though they knew that bump stocks could effectively turn AR-15’s into machineguns.

3/28/20 Two articles in a special issue of Criminology & Public Policy, “Assessing the potential.....” by Christopher S. Koper, and “Evidence concerning the regulation....” by Daniel W. Webster,  Alexander D. McCourt, Cassandra K. Crifasi, Marisa D. Booty and Elizabeth A. Stuart, report that restricting large-capacity magazines reduces the frequency of mass shootings. Handgun buyer licensing (but not background checks or assault weapon bans) were also found effective in the latter study.

2/14/20 Church shootings have led many congregations to hire guards and create teams of armed parishioners. Some States that restrict gun carry or possession in churches or elsewhere have modified their laws to enable such moves, and similar legal adjustments are in progress elsewhere.

1/9/20 The Chicago Tribune compiled a list of sixty-two shootings and threats of shootings by Illinois concealed-carry licensees between 2014, when the state CCW law was passed, and August 2019. For each incident it summarized the circumstances and linked to available stories.

12/30/19 An oddly-dressed man who seemed to be in disguise pulled a shotgun during services in a Texas church and began firing. Two were killed, including a guard who tried to intercede. Other armed parishioners, members of the church security team, returned fire, killing the assailant.

12/27/19 Forty-one persons have lost their lives in mass shootings in the U.S. so far this year. According to the USA Today/AP/NEU project, which tracks all shootings where four or more are killed other than the perpetrator, that’s the worst toll since the 1970s.

12/12/19 On December 10 self-styled “Black Hebrew Israelites” David Anderson and Francine Graham gunned down Jersey City police detective Joseph Seals, then stormed a Jewish market and engaged in a protracted firefight, killing three citizens and wounding two officers before police shot them dead. Anderson and Graham took an AR-15-style rifle, a shotgun and two 9mm. pistols into the store. A silencer-equipped weapon and a pipe bomb were found in their van. Anderson, an ex-con with prior arrests for weapons offenses, had apparently posted hateful messages on social media and mentioned past massacres.

10/26/19 Dick’s Sporting Goods sells guns. But it no longer sells assault-style weapons or high capacity magazines and requires all gun buyers to be at least 21. That decision was made by C.E.O. Ed Stack after the 2018 Parkland, Fla. high school massacre. He concedes these steps won’t eliminate all mass shootings. “But there will be less loss of life if an assault-style rifle isn’t used. And if we do all those things and we save one life, in my mind it’s all worth it.”

10/24/19 At the urging of Attorney General William Barr, in December 2019 the FBI will host a national training session to prevent mass shootings. Local and state agencies will be exposed to “proven models” drawn from the war against terror; for example, identifying dangerous, “extremely challenging individuals” and compelling to undergo mental health treatment before they strike.

9/1/19 A male in his 30s armed with a rifle hijacked a mail truck and went on a shooting rampage in the West Texas cities of Odessa and Midland. He killed seven and wounded nineteen, including three officers, before police shot him dead.

8/24/19 Guns recovered by police in California often come from Nevada, whose gun laws are far looser. California legislators are planning to ask their Nevada counterparts to prohibit assault weapons and high-capacity magazines such as used by Santino Legan, the 19-year old Nevada man who legally bought an AK-47 type weapon at a Nevada gun store on July 9, then used it to kill three and wound a dozen at the Gilroy (CA) Garlic Festival on July 28.

8/9/19 Weeks before the El Paso massacre, the gunman’s mother worried that he wasn’t “mature or experienced enough” for the assault-type rifle he had ordered. She called police but apparently didn’t convey that her son posed a lethal threat. He moved out and legally got his rifle.

8/4/19 Early this morning an unidentified man wearing body armor and carrying a .223 rifle and multiple magazines opened fire in a Dayton (OH) nightclub area, killing nine and wounding more than two dozen. Police shot him dead. This was reportedly America’s 22nd. mass shooting this year (at least four dead excluding the gunman.)

8/3/19 Forty-six persons were shot in an El Paso (TX) shopping center by a twenty-one year old man wielding an assault-type rifle. Twenty have died. Police arrested the shooter, Patrick Crusius. He was dressed in a black t-shirt and was wearing earmuffs and dark glasses. Crusius’ online posts depicted him with a rifle, praised the New Zealand massacre and criticized America’s “invasion” by Latinos.

3/28/19 The Supreme Court let stay a new Federal regulation that essentially outlaws bump stocks, defining them as mechanisms that convert firearms to fully automatic fire. It supersedes ATF’s prior ruling, which said they did not. Plaintiffs must now pursue relief through Federal courts.

3/16/19 Before live-streaming his murderous rampage, which took the lives of 49 parishioners at two New Zealand mosques, the heavily armed, internet-obsessed killer used Twitter, Facebook and an online hate site to promote a white uprising. Brendon Tarrant, 28, held a firearms license that allowed him to legally buy the two semi-auto rifles and two shotguns he used in the attack.

11/8/18 On 11/7/18 ex-Marine gunner Ian David Long, 28, walked into an L.A.-area bar and opened fire with a legally-bought .45 caliber Glock pistol with an extended magazine. Twelve were killed, including Ventura Co. Sheriff’s Sergeant Ron Elus, who had responded to the scene. Long was though by neighbors to be mentally disturbed. Last April mental health workers called by deputies to the home that Long shares with his mother decided he did not meet the standards to be held.

10/27/18 This morning a virulent anti-Semite armed with an “assault-style rifle” and three handguns stormed into a Pittsburgh Jewish synagogue and opened fire, killing eleven and wounding six, including four officers. The suspect, Robert Bowers, 46, was wounded and surrendered.

10/5/18 A 74-year old veteran and disbarred lawyer who bragged about his abilities with military-style rifles unleashed a barrage from “a high powered rifle” on officers serving a search warrant at his Florence, South Carolina residence. One officer was killed and six were wounded. Five citizens were also hurt. Police deployed an armored vehicle to extricate the injured. More

9/14/18 Using what Smith & Wesson bills as the “most powerful production revolver in the world today [with a] massive .500 S&W Magnum cartridge - 2600 ft/lb. muzzle energy” a Bakersfield (CA) man shot and killed his estranged wife, the co-worker with which she was allegedly having an affair and three other persons. He then took his own life as police closed in.

9/6/18 To pre-identify students who may wish to harm themselves or others, many secondary schools and universities have hired companies to monitor posts on social media. Some students have been expelled, but there is little consensus about the value of these efforts.

7/6/18 LAPD and ATF arrest ten L.A.-area gang members who were assembling AR-15 type rifles from parts and selling them to criminals. Forty-five of these untraceable, unserialized “ghost guns” were seized, along with silencers and drugs. The suspects were charged with state violations including illegally manufacturing assault rifles, possessing silencers, and conspiracy.

5/19/18 On May 18 Dmitrios Pagourtzis, 17, stormed into his Texas high school and opened fire with his father’s pump-action shotgun and .38 caliber revolver, killing ten, mostly students, and wounding ten others, including the school police officer. Pagourtzis also scattered pipe bombs around campus. A good, well-liked student, he had made some disturbing social media posts and his diary contained written plans for the attack and his suicide. But he surrendered to police.

5/14/18 According to the L.A. Times nine states now have “red flag” laws that authorize courts to order the seizure of guns from persons who are at risk of hurting themselves or others. Five of these laws were passed since the Florida school shooting.

4/23/18 On April 22 a naked, delusional man armed stormed into a Nashville restaurant and opened fire with an AR-15 rifle, killing four and wounding seven. Travis Reinking, 31, was arrested the next day. He had been arrested in July 2017 for breaching the White House perimeter. Four guns including the AR-15 were taken from him and later released to his father.

4/6/18 On April 3 Nasim Aghdam, a woman in her 30s, opened fire with a pistol at YouTube in San Bruno, wounding three. She then shot herself dead. Aghdam, a YouTube user angry with the company’s policies, legally purchased the gun from a San Diego gun store in January.

3/18/18 As early as 2016 school employees were so concerned about spoken threats made by Nikolas Cruz, the Florida school shooter, that they recommended he be committed for evaluation. But no action was taken.

3/11/18 In the New York Times and Washington Post, illustrated features about the grievous damage inflicted on the human body by ultra high-velocity projectiles such as those fired by AR-15 style rifles.

3/9/18 Florida’s Governor signed into law a bill that lets some school employees carry concealed handguns, bans “bump stocks” and extends the State’s 3-day waiting period for handgun purchases to long guns. It also raises the minimum age to buy a rifle to 21, a provision that the NRA is challenging in court as a violation of the Second Amendment.

3/1/18 In Georgia, a well-liked history teacher (in 2012, the school’s “top teacher”) brought a handgun to Dalton High School. He barricaded himself inside a classroom and fired a gunshot out the window. Randal Davidson, 53, surrendered peacefully.

11/29/17 Air Force officials concede they failed to convey information about the domestic assault conviction of Texas church gunman Devin P. Kelley to the Federal database used to screen persons who buy guns from retail stores. For the armed services, that lapse may be commonplace.

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Another Day, Another Massacre     When a Dope Can’t be Roped    Don’t Like the Rules? Change Them!

Two Weeks, Four Massacres     One Week, Two Massacres     Urban Ship    Going Ballistic

A Distinction     “Friendly Fire”     Red Flag (I) (II)     Preventing Mass Murder     Again, Kids Die

Ban the Damned Things!     Bump Stocks     A Lost Cause     Do Gun Laws Work?     Silence

A Ban in Name Only     A Dead Man’s Tales     A Stitch in Time     A Matter of Life and Death

All in the Family     The Elephant in the Room     Say Something     Bigger Guns Aren’t Enough

Gun Crazy     Reviving an Illusion     What About Body Armor?     Long Live Gun Control

Posted 10/8/17


Outlawing them is a good idea. But it’s hardly the solution.

     For Police Issues by Julius (Jay) Wachtel. On October 1 a middle-aged man with no criminal record became the most prolific mass killer in American history, slaughtering 58 persons and wounding 489 as they enjoyed an outdoor concert on the Las Vegas strip. As a stunned land reels from the carnage, one thing seems certain: the willingness of “ordinary” citizens to put guns to unimaginably evil use has made a mockery of the meager legal constraints that America has imposed on the right to bear arms.

     To be sure, minors, convicted felons and adjudicated mental defectives – the “who” – are prohibited from acquiring guns. But Stephen Paddock didn’t fit into any of these categories. He and his evil counterpart James T. Hodgkinson, who wounded four members of Congress in June, were by all appearances law-abiding citizens who acquired their guns legally, in Paddock’s case through repeat purchases at local gun stores.

     And “what” they legally got is appalling. Lying in ambush at a Virginia baseball field, Hodgkinson unleashed repeated salvos from a 7.62 mm semi-automatic rifle, a derivative of the lethally efficient AK-47. Paddock stocked his 32nd. floor Las Vegas hotel room with nearly two dozen assault-style rifles, apparently all in the 5.56 mm caliber made wildly popular by the Colt AR-15.

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     Why did their guns prove so lethal? It’s largely a matter of ballistics. Projectiles fired by civilian versions of the AK-47 and AR-15 travel twice as fast and carry three times the energy of even the more powerful pistol cartridges. When these bullets pierce flesh they create large, undulating cavities many times their diameter, pulverizing organs, shattering nearby bones and rupturing nearby blood vessels. According to the FBI, 454 law enforcement officers were feloniously shot and killed during 2006-2015. Of the nineteen killed by rounds that penetrated their ballistic vests, eighteen fell to rifle fire, with the 7.62 and 5.56 mm. calibers figuring prominently.

     Of course, it’s precisely that killing power that America sought when it commissioned the AR-15 and deployed it in Vietnam, and what its North Vietnamese and Viet Cong opponents sought when they armed their troops with the AK-47. What Uncle Sam may not have expected was that Colt would capitalize on the military AR-15’s devastating reputation by cranking out a civilian version. Differing only in being semi-automatic, meaning that the trigger must be squeezed for each shot, the near-identical twin proved an instant hit.

     Concerns about the increasingly destructive quality of firearms in civilian hands led to the enactment of the 1994 Assault Weapons Act, which banned the wildly popular AR-15 by name. Ignoring the Act’s avowed social purpose, Colt quickly rebranded their highly profitable prodigy the “Sporter,” and as the law required stripped it of external baubles such as a flash suppressor and limited its magazine capacity to ten rounds. With the law (cynically?) silent about ballistics, the gun industry quickly went back to making the powerful and highly profitable weapons that enthusiasts like best. And when the clearly toothless statute ultimately lapsed into the Sunset, hardly anyone noticed.

     “Bump” stocks use recoil to bounce weapons against the user’s trigger finger. This increases the rate of fire to levels approaching that of machineguns, which can fire fully automatically, discharging a barrage with a single pull of the trigger. When the objective is to kill as many persons as possible and pinpoint accuracy is not required, a densely-packed venue such as an outdoor concert offers the ideal setting for their use. Mechanical issues and ammunition capacity preclude prolonged “fully automatic” fire, so Paddock’s decision to deploy multiple bump-stock equipped rifles made (twisted) sense.

     Still, as prior mass shootings demonstrate, semi-automatic assault-type rifles can easily produce deplorable body counts. (Ordinary combat troops generally leave their rifles on semi-automatic mode, whose cyclic rate usually suffices to get the job done.) Bottom line: neither a real machinegun nor a “bump stock” are required to generate a bloodbath. On December 2, 2015 a self-styled terrorist couple used two semi-automatic AR-15 type rifles to kill fourteen and wound twenty-two at a workplace party in San Bernardino, California. Both died in a vicious shootout with local police, who were forced to deploy an armored car.

     Military-style weapons place cops at grave risk every day. On July 7, 2016 a deeply troubled 25-year old reservist opened fire on officers monitoring a protest march. His imported semi-automatic variant of the AK-47 proved highly lethal, and soon five Dallas officers lay dead (seven others were wounded.) Police eventually killed the assailant with an improvised bomb delivered by a robot.

     Three months later two police officers stood outside a residence in easy-going Palm Springs, California. Gunfire from inside the home suddenly pierced the front door, fatally wounding officers Lesley Zerebny and Jose “Gil” Vega, who had arrived in response to a “simple family disturbance.” (Another officer was wounded but recovered). Their assailant, a deeply troubled twenty-six year old ex-con, used a semi-automatic AR-15 type rifle and readily available “armor piercing ammunition,” which can supposedly defeat the armor plate in ballistic vests.

     Decades ago, before citizens were armed with what amounts to weapons of war, few incidents called for anything more than a patrol car or two. But the proliferation of lethal firearms has forced the police to militarize with SWAT teams, armored vehicles and robots that can deliver as well as retrieve bombs. And now we have to worry about “bump” stocks as well.

     What’s to be done? Would banishing these newfangled gadgets, as even Republicans seem ready to do, be enough? Hardly. Any effective response has to address the factors that brought gun lethality to such unthinkable levels. Perhaps a scoring system could be devised that takes key variables such as ballistics, rapid-fire capability, lack of recoil, accuracy and portability into account.

     Then an even greater difficulty becomes apparent. One year after a British subject massacred sixteen persons with a handgun and two semi-automatic rifles, Great Britain enacted the “Firearms (Amendment) Act 1988.” Among other things, it prohibits semi-automatic rifles chambered for ammunition more powerful than .22 rimfire. A decade later Great Britain responded to a school massacre by essentially banning handguns. And yes, people actually gave them up.

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     But we’re not Great Britain, where (at least until Brexit) the social contract has apparently prevailed. In our commercialized, ideologically polarized culture any proposal to effectively reduce gun lethality would provoke a vicious struggle between unyielding interests. And should reason overcome egoism and self-indulgence, and a rule not hopelessly watered down by commercial, enthusiast and ideological interests is actually produced, how would one implement it? Could millions of murderous weapons be peacefully removed from circulation?

     But we’re probably ahead of ourselves. Perhaps the best place to start isn’t with lawmaking but with (as we previously suggested) a national conversation about guns and the meanings we attach to their possession and use. What needs do firearms fulfill? How would massively “thinning the herd” affect everyday life? Our values? Our relationships? Our sense of self? Perhaps once we understand and acknowledge the “why’s,” devising and implementing the “how’s” can come more easily.

     Hopefully it’s not too late to start.

UPDATES (scroll)

12/16/24  Consumer protection laws are the basis of a lawsuit filed by New Jersey and Minnesota that accuses Glock of knowingly (purposefully?) manufacturing pistols that can be quickly converted to full-auto fire with simple, readily available “Glock switches.” According to the plaintiffs, Glock has long known that “anyone with a screwdriver and a YouTube video” can quickly turn their pistols into machineguns. But it allegedly profits from this vulnerability, so it’s done nothing. A handgun converted to full-auto fire was recently used to murder Chicago police officer Enrique Martinez.

12/11/24 The Supreme Court's Garland decision (see below update) placed another ATF rule, that weapons with forced-reset triggers are also machineguns, in jeopardy. And in July a Texas Federal judge ruled that, as with bump stocks, firearms so equipped do not meet the legal definition of a machinegun. Federal lawyers have appealed the ruling to the Fifth Circuit, but its justices seem skeptical.

6/14/24  Two years after the 2017 Las Vegas massacre, in which bump stock-equipped rifles were used to murder sixty, ATF ruled that the devices, which it previously permitted, were illegal machinegun conversion parts. But Federal law defines machineguns as firing repeatedly with a single trigger pull. Bump stocks use recoil to repeatedly pull the trigger while it’s depressed. That difference led the 5th. Circuit to strike down ATF’s ruling as inconsistent with the law. And in a 6-3 decision that aligns with its ideological split, the Supreme Court just agreed. To outlaw bump stocks, the law itself must change. States, though, appear free to outlaw bump stocks if they wish. Garland v. Cargill

2/29/24  Arguing before the Supreme Court, gun-rights advocates insist that bump stocks, which enable a form of automatic fire, are legal accessories. ATF once agreed. But the 2017 Las Vegas massacre, in which two shooters used bump-stock equipped rifles to murder sixty persons, led ATF to issue a ruling that bump stocks are illegal. Fifteen States and D.C. have outlawed them. But lower Federal courts have clashed over their status. And today, the Justices seemed split. Garland v. Cargill (See above update)

11/6/23  ATF’s 2019 rule that bans accessories known as “bump stocks” because they effectively transform semi-automatic rifles into machineguns was set aside last year by the Fifth Circuit, which held that a change in law would be required. That ruling was appealed to the Supreme Court, and it recently agreed to decide whether a regulation would suffice.

8/21/23  As long as finger pressure is maintained, “forced-reset” triggers (FRT’s) have a spring that resets the trigger after every round, allowing shooters to mimic a machine gun. In March 2022 ATF declared these devices illegal and barred Florida’s Rare Breed Triggers from making and selling them. But they persisted, and a Federal fraud case against Rare Breed is being heard in New York. Meanwhile a pro-gun organization filed a Federal lawsuit to the opposite effect in Texas’ gun-friendly Fifth Circuit.

1/7/23  Several Federal appeals court have upheld ATF’s 2019 rule that banned bump stocks as machineguns. But the Fifth Circuit just disagreed. Bump stocks use recoil to repeatedly pull the trigger on behalf of gun users. And it’s that fact - that the trigger actually moves when succeeding rounds are discharged - which underlies the new ruling. As defined by law, “real” machineguns fire repeatedly with a single squeeze of the trigger. So it will likely be up for the Supremes to decide.

11/19/22  A search of the dorm room assigned to University of Virginia shooter Christopher Darnell Jones Jr. turned up both guns that he (legally) purchased: a Ruger .223 caliber semi-auto rifle and a Smith and Wesson 9mm. pistol. Police also found a Franklin Armory “binary trigger,” which doubles a rifle’s rate of fire by discharging a round when the trigger is released. (It’s Federally legal but has been outlawed by a number of States, not including Illinois.) UVA regulations prohibit guns in residence halls.

9/14/22  “Bump stocks” are aftermarket accessories that convert recoil from each gunshot into a trigger pull for the next without user intervention. Ordinary guns become, in effect, “machineguns.” And the toll from their rapid fire can be enormous, such as the sixty dead and more than 400 wounded in the 2017 Las Vegas massacre. ATF subsequently ruled the devices illegal. But gun boosters have mounted a series of challenges; the most recent will soon be heard by the full Fifth Circuit in New Orleans.

4/9/22  “Auto sears,” small devices that modify semi-automatic pistols and rifles so that a single trigger squeeze discharges multiple rounds, essentially converts weapons into machineguns. So they’re illegal under Federal law. But they’re simple to fit, and like bump stocks and “ghost guns” are becoming common. One of the twelve persons wounded during a recent Sacramento gang shootout that also killed six had a handgun with an auto sear; that a machinegun was used seemed evident from the audio.

2/28/22  Fourteen persons were shot, one fatally, as an argument erupted between patrons at a Las Vegas hookah lounge two days ago. At least two shooters were involved. Their motives and identities are as yet unknown. It’s the worst shooting in the city since the 2017 massacre, when Stephen Paddock opened fire from a hotel room on the Strip, killing fifty-eight, the most in American history.

7/27/21  In Wasco, a town near Bakersfield, Calif., a 41-year old man armed with an AK-47 style rifle and a handgun opened fire inside his home. Neighbors called deputies and said occupants had been shot. Responding officers were fired on and took cover. Two SWAT members soon approached on foot. The shooter opened fire, reportedly through the windows, fatally wounding Deputy Phillip Campas, 35 and wounding his partner. Two other deputies sustained shrapnel injuries. Deputies shot and killed the assailant as he exited the home. His 42-year old wife and their 17 and 24-year old sons were found inside, all shot dead. A restraining order prohibiting the shooter from having guns was in effect.

7/15/21  On July 4th., an alert from a cleaning crew led Chicago police to arrest an Iowa man who propped up a .308 rifle with a laser scope in his hotel room overlooking the beach. Keegan Casteel, 32, also had “several rifle magazines and a .45-caliber handgun.” He was released on $10,000 bail. Several days later, just before the Major League All-Star game, Denver police arrested four men who stocked a nearby hotel room with “more than a dozen weapons, including several rifles, and hundreds of rounds of ammunition.” Neither episode evidenced a terrorist intent, but authorities are nonetheless worried.

4/14/20 A Federal judge allowed a lawsuit to proceed against Colt Firearms and other manufacturers and retailers of the AR-15 rifles used in the Las Vegas massacre. He found that the defendants continued making and distributing AR-15’s “with a stock that can be easily removed and replaced” even though they knew that bump stocks could readily turn AR-15 into a machinegun.

3/3/20 On March 2 the Supreme Court rejected without comment an appeal of ATF’s December, 2018 decision to classify bump stocks as machineguns. Its ruling, which effectively bans the devices, was protested by gun rights groups that pointed to ATF’s former position allowing their use. In a stinging but unsuccessful dissent, Justice Gorsuch echoed the appellants’ objections.

10/10/19 MGM, the owner of the hotel that was the site of the October 2017 Las Vegas massacre, has agreed to pay up to $800 million to settle lawsuits alleging that it negligently failed to keep the shooter, Stephen Paddock, from stocking his room full of weapons and ammunition.

8/12/19 Police say that, as manufactured, the .223 caliber weapon used in the Dayton massacre lacked a stock and was classified as a handgun. Connor Betts, the gunman, added a “shoulder brace” to help steady the weapon, transforming it into an illegal short-barreled rifle. He had purchased the weapon and brace separately, and legally.

8/4/19 Early this morning an unidentified man wearing body armor and carrying a .223 rifle and multiple magazines opened fire in a Dayton (OH) nightclub area, killing nine and wounding more than two dozen. Police shot him dead. This was reportedly America’s 22nd. mass shooting this year (at least four dead excluding the gunman.)

8/3/19 Forty-six persons were shot in an El Paso (TX) shopping center by a twenty-one year old man wielding an assault-type rifle. Twenty have died. Police arrested the shooter, Patrick Crusius. He was dressed in a black t-shirt and was wearing earmuffs and dark glasses. Crusius’ online posts depicted him with a rifle, praised the New Zealand massacre and criticized America’s “invasion” by Latinos.

3/28/19 The Supreme Court let stay a new Federal regulation that essentially outlaws bump stocks, defining them as mechanisms that convert firearms to fully automatic fire. It supersedes ATF’s prior ruling, which said they did not. Plaintiffs must now pursue relief through Federal courts.

9/30/18 Three years before Stephen Paddock’s rampage, a housekeeper in the same hotel found six guns in the room of Kyle Aaron Dunbar. Among them was a tactical rifle pointed out a window. Dunbar, a convicted felon, was convicted for having guns and got forty months. Plaintiffs in current litigation against the hotel are citing that incident as prior evidence of its lax security.

3/11/18 In the New York Times and Washington Post, illustrated features about the grievous damage inflicted on the human body by ultra high-velocity projectiles such as those fired by AR-15 style rifles.

2/12/18 With no Federal action in sight, Massachusetts, New Jersey and a handful of localities have moved to ban bump stocks. Meanwhile the NRA, which opposes an outright Federal ban on bump stocks, has called on ATF to incorporate rules about such devices into firearms regulations.

2/3/18 FBI agents arrested Douglas Haig, an Arizona resident who admitted he makes armor-piercing ammunition and resells it by mail order and at gun shows, for supplying armor-piercing ammo to the Las Vegas shooter. Haig is not licensed, as the law requires, to manufacture ammunition, and the manufacture and sale of armor-piercing rounds are generally prohibited. Criminal complaint

10/26/17 The L.A.P.D. union announced its support for banning bump stocks, silencers and armor-piercing ammunition because they can inflict “devastating” wounds on citizens and cops.

10/10/17 A civil lawsuit filed in Las Vegas accuses Slide Fire Solutions, the bump-stock manufacturer, of knowingly marketing an unreasonably dangerous product.

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Going Ballistic     Again, Kids Die     Ban the Damned Things!     Massacre Control     A Lost Cause

A “Ban” in Name Only     A Matter of Life and Death     Cops Need More Than Body Armor

Bigger Guns Aren’t Enough     Reviving an Illusion

Posted 7/14/17


A proposal to deregulate firearm silencers ignores the hazards of policing

     For Police Issues by Julius (Jay) Wachtel. America is a nation of laws – and of a myriad of regulations that carry the force of law. But to plagiarize Bob Dylan’s famous aphorism, the times, they are definitely a-changin’. On February 24 President Trump signed an executive order that seeks to bring the fifty-volume Code of Federal Regulations to heel. Every Federal agency has been tasked with searching for and destroying regulations that may impinge on the economy, are “outdated, unnecessary, or ineffective,” or “rely in whole or in part on data, information, or methods that are not publicly available or that are insufficiently transparent to meet the standard for reproducibility”:

    We have begun a historic program to reduce the regulations that are crushing our economy -- crushing. And not only our economy, crushing our jobs, because companies can't hire. We're going to put the regulation industry out of work and out of business.

     Of course, what to some may be a clear improvement may to others seem an abomination. Democrats are vigorously complaining about moves to banish or suspend rules that, for example, require investment advisors to act in their clients’ best interests, extend safeguards against pollution to small waterways, and mandate that for-profit colleges be held accountable for their students’ success in finding employment. (To see what’s up in the deregulatory wars visit the Federal portal at regulations.gov.)

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     In this badly polarized land, conflict is to be expected. What we didn’t anticipate, though, was that in its zeal to implement the President’s deregulatory vision a Federal law enforcement agency would suggest doing away with a real, long-standing law that helps cops stay alive.

     On Sunday evening, July 9, New York State trooper Joel Davis responded to a report of gunfire at a rural residence. Trooper Davis parked his cruiser a distance away, radioed that he heard shots being fired and exited the vehicle. Moments later an active-duty Army NCO opened fire with a rifle. One round struck Trooper Davis to the side of the ballistic plate in his armored vest, piercing the garment and inflicting a fatal wound.

     Other officers quickly arrived and subdued the gunman. They found the bodies of trooper Davis and of Walters’ wife and also rendered aid to a woman who had suffered a non-life threatening gunshot wound.

     Trooper Joel Davis, 36, is survived by a wife and three children.

     Individuals with military training have been using rifles to kill cops with some regularity. On July 7, 2016 a 25-year old Army veteran ensconced himself in a Dallas office building and opened fire with an AK-style rifle on police monitoring a protest. By the time it was over five officers were shot dead and nine others and a civilian lay wounded. Two weeks later, on July 17, 2016 two Baton Rouge police officers and a sheriff’s deputy were gunned down by a Marine Corps veteran armed with an AR-type rifle.

     Actually, rifles can extend anyone’s lethal reach. On October 8, 2016 a 26-year old ex-con fired an AR-15 rifle through his home’s front door, killing two Palm Springs, California police officers and wounding a third. They were there because of a “simple family disturbance.” More recently, in “A Lost Cause” (see below) we discussed the recent notorious episode when a middle-aged madman with a rifle wounded four members of the House at a Congressional baseball practice.

     That post, and the others linked below, remarked on the devastating wounding potential of long-gun ammunition and, as well, its ability to defeat ballistic garments commonly worn by police. Making things worse, rifles also enable skilled and not-so-skilled marksmen (so far, they’ve all been men) to do their dirty deeds from a distance.

     Considering all this, why on Earth would my beloved ATF, which I proudly called “home” for twenty-three years, suggest that the Federal law that constrains the possession and transfer of silencers ought to be repealed?

     According to a reveal by the Washington Post that’s exactly what the agency’s number two official, Associate Deputy Director Ronald B. Turk suggested in January. Here’s an extract from his “not for public distribution” memo:

    On average in the past 10 years, ATF has only recommended 44 defendants a year for prosecution on silencer-related violations; of those, only approximately 6 of the defendants had prior felony convictions. Moreover, consistent with this low number of prosecution referrals, silencers are very rarely used in criminal shootings. Given the lack of criminality associated with silencers, it is reasonable to conclude that they should not be viewed as a threat to public safety necessitating NFA classification, and should be considered for reclassification under the [law].

     Agent Turk’s “White Paper” goes well beyond silencers. Among other things, it recommends that the Feds remove restrictions on the manufacture and retail sale of (believe it or not) armor-piercing rifle ammunition, which he also declares is “not associated with criminal use.”

     Of course, the reason why silencers and AP ammo seldom turn up in crimes may be precisely because legal restrictions have discouraged their use. Unlike AP ammo, silencers are in fact not “banned” but may be purchased from specialist dealers upon paying a $200 transfer tax and submitting to a fingerprint check. (Incidentally, forget about the myth of building a silencer from instructions on the Internet. To be safe and effective firearms suppressors must be precisely designed and accurately machined from reliable stock. That’s hardly a trivial task.)

     Why would ordinary, law-abiding citizens bother with silencers in the first place? According to the NRA, which wrote approvingly of agent Turk’s memo, it all boils down to noise. Reducing a gun’s sonic footprint greatly lessens the chance of damaging one’s hearing and supposedly leads to “happier neighbors.” Reducing recoil and flinching also promises greater first-shot accuracy, enhancing one’s ability to defend against violent criminals and making hunting more “humane.”

     Naturally, silencers don’t get to choose who’s at the trigger. So their benefits should also accrue to bad boys and girls. Just imagine the dilemma that cops would face when fired on by a silencer-equipped sniper, and particularly in an urban setting, where the ambient din easily drowns out whatever sounds might escape suppression. How many officers would have to die before the threat could be located and neutralized?

     It’s not just about long guns. Until bodies start visibly piling up, how would anyone know that a shooter wielding a suppressed pistol is on the loose? Would you dial 9-1-1 if you heard “thuds” next door? How about from across the street? At what point would officers responding to a “routine” call realize that bullets were flying? When a windshield shattered? And forget about reaping the benefits of increasingly popular gunfire-detection technology, such as what alerted Fresno police to a mass shooting on April 18.

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     But please don’t judge an agency by one memo. This admittedly biased retiree fondly remembers a well-spent career chasing gun traffickers and has always taken pride in ATF’s work. To avoid compromising former colleagues he avoided sharing this post in advance. But unless the times have indeed changed remarkably, he knows exactly what street-level agents think of that appalling “White Paper.”

     It’s not flattering.

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10/26/17 The L.A.P.D. union has announced its support for banning bump stocks, silencers and armor-piercing ammunition because of their potential to inflict “devastating” wounds on citizens and cops.

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Can the Urban Ship be Steered?     Again, Kids Die     Ban the Damned Things!     Massacre Control

A Lost Cause     A “Ban” in Name Only     A Matter of Life and Death     Is it Always About Race?

Cops Need More Than Body Armor     Bigger Guns Aren’t Enough

Posted 6/24/17


Legislators are ambushed. And a gun-numbed land shrugs and moves on.

     For Police Issues by Julius (Jay) Wachtel. “It’s going to be in my pocket from this day forward. It’s got all the punch you need.” House member Chris Collins (R-Ala.) was of course referring to a gun, specifically the 9mm. pistol that he occasionally carries in the glovebox. But the Congressman’s resolved to ramp up his game. His decision to “pack” 24-7 was prompted by the June 14 shooting at a Congressional baseball practice in Alexandria that wounded four, most seriously fellow Republican legislator Steve Scalise, the Majority Whip.

      Congressman Collins isn’t the only one looking to guns as a solution for…well, guns. Reacting to the same tragedy, his Alabama GOP colleague, Rep. Mo Brooks asked that D.C. exempt legislators from laws restricting concealed carry (applicants are presently required to demonstrate a “good reason”):

    Right now, when we’re in Washington, D.C., once we’re off the Capitol Hill Grounds complex, we’re still congressmen, senators — we’re still high-profile targets — but we have absolutely no way to defend ourselves because of Washington, D.C.’s rather restrictive gun laws.

Fellow GOP stalwart Rep. Chuck Fleischmann (R-Tenn.), who hit the ground to avoid the assailant’s fusillade, heartily agrees:

    Put it this way: If we had had more weapons there, we’d be able to subdue the shooter more quickly. Thank God that the Capitol Police were there and were armed, because otherwise we'd have had a situation where there'd be a lot more damage.

     Naturally, the Dem’s don’t see it that way. But let’s not get trapped into parsing ideological disputes. Considering what actually happened, it seems unlikely that a passel of armed citizens would have helped. James T. Hodgkinson, the assailant, was in a more-or-less secluded position about two to three house-lengths away from his victims when he began firing salvos from an SKS 7.62 cal. semi-automatic rifle. Consider whether a group of startled, frightened lawmakers could have even organized an effective response. Then imagine how many would have perished or accidentally plugged one another while trying.

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     Six and one-half years earlier Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) was fighting for her life after being shot in the head during an Arizona political event. Her assailant, Jared Loughner, a 22-year old recluse was standing in a crowd when he suddenly pulled a Glock 9mm. pistol and opened fire, killing six and wounding thirteen. It could have been much worse had several citizens not tackled the gunman when he paused to reload. None of these heroes was armed. A Johnny-come-lately who was described what nearly happened when he stumbled on the scene:

    As I approached the people wrestling with him [Loughner] one of the other gentlemen actually had gotten the gun away from him. And that’s what I saw first was him holding the gun. And, you know, I had my hand on my pistol and I saw that the gun he was holding was locked back, and so it was empty. And I decided that instead of pulling my gun, I would try and get that gun from him. So, I ran up to him and grabbed his wrist and pushed him up against the wall. At that point, everybody around me says no, no, it’s this guy, you got that wrong guy.

     It’s possible to conceive of circumstances that would benefit from the presence of armed citizens. Still, if everyone that wished to be armed was, what might the unintended consequences be? For a hint, read our prior gun control posts. Here’s an extract from “Don’t Blame the NRA”:

    We’ve become so accustomed to gun violence that we seldom think about the gang members, “ordinary” criminals and otherwise law-abiding heads of household who commit countless mini-massacres year-in and year-out with weapons whose unthinkable lethality would have horrified the framers of the Second Amendment. That’s what’s really insane.

    It’s not simply a question of “who” carries. “What” they possess is equally crucial. Indeed, the lethality of guns commonly in use has reached levels that would have been unimaginable to the Founders. Once more, let’s self-plagiarize:

    In December 1791, when the Second Amendment went into effect, a “handgun” wasn’t a .40 caliber Glock with a fifteen-round magazine. It was a bulky, muzzle-loading single-shot flintlock that could take nearly a minute to prepare for a second round.

So what about the late Mr. Hodgkinson’s SKS? Lacking a handgrip and other external baubles, the Eastern-block military surplus rifle was never deemed an “assault weapon” under (now-expired) Federal law. Imported in large quantities, it’s widely available at moderate cost. (Four-hundred bucks can get you a nice one. We assume that’s about what Hodgkinson paid when he legally bought his at a gun store.) “Assault weapon” or not, SKS rifles are extremely effective killing machines, boasting projectiles that travel nearly twice as fast and carry more than three times the energy of the 9mm. pistol ammo that supposedly now lines Rep. Collins’ pockets. (See Di Maio, “Gunshot Wounds,” 2nd. ed., p. 168.) And even when its bullets don’t kill they inflict devastating wounds:

    According to Di Maio…as these projectiles traverse tissue they create a temporary, undulating cavity that can be as much as 12.5 times the bullet diameter. “Organs struck by these bullets may undergo partial or complete disintegration. The pressures generated are sufficient to fracture bone and rupture vessels adjacent to the permanent wound track but not directly struck by the bullet.” (p. 171)

This “cavitation” is exactly what happened to Rep. Scalise, who nearly perished from an SKS-inflicted wound to the hip. (Click here for a recent New York Times op-ed on point.) Incidentally, this lethal threat is a risk that cops face whenever they don the badge:

    Nye County (Nev.) sheriff’s deputies responded to a call about a domestic argument with shots fired. Diverting to a nearby casino where the woman supposedly went to take refuge, they encountered her male partner in the parking lot. Without warning the man retrieved an SKS semi-automatic rifle from his vehicle and opened fire. Deputy Ian Deutch, 27, was struck and killed by a round that penetrated his body armor. A member of the National Guard, the deputy had just returned from a tour in Afghanistan.

     Table 38 of the UCR’s latest “Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted” report quantifies the threat in stark terms. Nineteen of the 454 officers gunned down during the decade ending in 2015 were slain by projectiles that penetrated their body armor. All but one of these deaths was caused by rifle rounds. Due no doubt to their lethality and ubiquity, 7.62 X 39 caliber bullets were the most frequently responsible. Of course, cops well know that the body armor they normally wear cannot protect them from high-powered rifle rounds (armor that can is far too heavy and clumsy for daily wear.) It makes perfect sense that police have increasingly turned to armored cars. They’ve “militarized” because so has everyone else. And now there’s a proposal to relax the ban on silencers. Meaning that shooters will be more comfortable, while cops will have even less cues about the location of a lethal threat.

     What could be done? In “A Ban in Name Only” we discussed the 1987 massacre in Hungerford, England, where sixteen persons were gunned down by a man wielding a handgun and two rifles. In response, Great Britain promptly enacted laws banning all semi-automatic rifles beyond .22 rimfire. Nine years later, when a handgun-toting British subject murdered sixteen children and a teacher, our (for now, European) cousins virtually banned handguns. Not that we’re suggesting cause-and-effect, but forgive us for pointing out that in 2015 murder in Great Britain was less than one-quarter the U.S. rate. As for what their cops and ours face, consider that in 2015 the gunfire death rate for U.S. law enforcement officers was four per thousand, while the U.K. rate was their typical zero.

     Of course, in Great Britain firearms restrictions enjoy widespread public support. But as my dear father pointed out when our ferry docked in Miami, we’re in America now! So forget “could.” What can be done? Apparently, nothing. Our highly polarized political atmosphere has shelved all thoughts of tightening gun controls. Even Bloomberg news (you know, the outfit owned by that gun-phobic gazillionaire) considers further restrictions a lost cause. Here’s a snippet from their interview with Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), the baseball catcher who represents the liberal side of the aisle:

    “I think we’re beyond the place in which Washington responds to mass shootings…After Orlando and Sandy Hook, that’s clearly not how people’s minds change here.”

What might actually propel change seems too horrific to contemplate. In the meantime, life isn’t a baseball game, and it will most likely be ordinary citizens and street cops who’ll continue to bear the costs of doing nothing.

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p.s. Hodgkinson reportedly purchased both guns legally. Still, he had several past gun-related run-ins with the law, including a 2016 arrest for striking a person with the butt of a shotgun and firing a round. But the victim didn’t show up in court so charges were dropped. Although Hodgkinson retained his gun rights he was certainly a dangerous man and ripe for an intervention (click here.)

UPDATES (scroll)

Massacres aside, “routine” gun violence continued to take its toll across the U.S. In Downey, a working-class Los Angeles suburb, three men were killed and a man and woman were wounded when gunfire erupted during a house party. Authorities say the shooting was precipitated by an argument and that no one outside the residence was involved. And in Chicago, an early-morning drive-by shooting in an area of shops and restaurants wounded four adults, ages 27-40, including one critically.

9/26/21  Sixteen Chicagoans were shot, two fatally, between Friday and Saurday night. Among the wounded was a police officer. She and her partner had stepped out of their patrol car to render aid when gunfire rang out and she was struck in the foot. “I will be back soon,” she promises. She is the 46th. Chicago cop to be shot at this year, and the twelfth wounded. Two months ago officer Ella French was killed and her partner was wounded while they patrolled one of the city’s most dangerous areas.

7/6/18 LAPD and ATF arrest ten L.A.-area gang members who were assembling assault-type rifles from parts and selling them to criminals. Forty-five of these untraceable, unserialized “ghost guns” were seized, along with silencers and drugs. The suspects were charged with state violations including illegally manufacturing assault rifles, possessing silencers, and conspiracy.

3/11/18 In the New York Times and Washington Post, illustrated features about the grievous damage inflicted on the human body by ultra high-velocity projectiles such as those fired by AR-15 style rifles.

1/13/18 Gravely wounded at the Congressional shooting, Matt Mika, the team’s baseball coach, barely survived. Serious physical disabilities and questions to which there is no answer cloud his future.

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An American Tragedy     Two Weeks, Four Massacres     One Week, Two Massacres

Should Police Treat the Whole Patient?     Ban the Damned Things     Massacre Control     Bump Stocks

Silence     Is Crime Up or Down?    A Matter of Life and Death    A Ban in Name Only    A Stitch in Time

More Than Body Armor     The Elephant in the Room     Bigger Guns Aren’t Enough

Reviving an Illusion    Don’t Blame the NRA     DNA’s Dandy, But What About Body Armor?

Disturbed Person     Safe at Home…Not!


Gun Control: Facts and Myths

Posted 1/11/17


Are they doing any good? We crunch the numbers to find out.

     For Police Issues by Julius (Jay) Wachtel. Once again, California is number one! No, we’re not talking about smog or traffic jams. In December the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence (LCPGV) released its annual Gun Law Scorecard, honoring California, as has become customary, as the State with the strongest gun laws. States are graded according to the quantity and quality of their efforts. For example, extending background checks to all gun transfers, including private party and gun-show sales – something that California and eighteen other top-ranked States do – earns lots of points. Allowing concealed carry without a permit – the law in Alaska (44/50, Grade = F), Arizona (47/50, Grade = F) and six other States – draws a major spanking.

     Each year the LCPGV compares its rankings to State gun death rates published by the Centers for Disease Control. According to its website, this process reveals “a significant correlation between high gun law scores and low death rates and vice versa.”

     Everyone who follows this blog’s gun control section knows that its author, a retired ATF agent, favors strictly regulating the gun marketplace. Yet as we’ve often pointed out, so many firearms are already in circulation that the real-world effects of gun laws must be inevitably muted (see, for example, “A Ban in Name Only”). We decided to gather existing data and check things out. Do the numbers really support the notion that stronger gun laws lead to fewer gun deaths? Data was collected for eight variables: four are possible “causes”, and four are possible “effects”:

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     Causal factors

  • Law score: Strength of State gun laws, 1 (weakest) to 50 (strongest). For clarity of analysis we inverted LCPGV’s 2016 scorecard, which ranked State with strongest laws as #1, and the weakest as #50.
  • Poverty rate: 2015 poverty rates, by State. From the U.S. Census.
  • Urbanization: 2010 urban percentage of population, by State. From U.S. Census (via Iowa State University).
  • Gun ownership: Proportion of households with guns, 2002. From Pediatrics. (While dated, this is the only national study we found where householders were specifically asked whether they kept guns. More recent attempts tend to rely on proxy measures of gun ownership, such as the number of Federally-registered “NFA” weapons per State).

     Effect factors (consequences)

  • Homicides: 2015 homicide rates, gun and non-gun, by State. From the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports.
  • Gun homicides: 2015 firearms homicide rates, by State. From the CDC.
  • Gun deaths, all causes: 2015 firearms death rates, all causes (accidents, suicides, homicides), by State. From the CDC.
  • Gun suicides: 2015 firearms suicide rates, by State. From the CDC.

     Below is a matrix that displays the correlations between all pairs of variables.

    Dull stuff: Correlation is measured on a scale of -1 to +1. Zero means no association. +1 is a perfect “positive” correlation, meaning that the variables rise and fall together in lockstep. -1 is a perfect “negative” correlation, meaning that the variables rise and fall in opposite directions in lockstep. Intermediate values signify less-than-perfect associations. Asterisks denote statistical significance, meaning that a relationship exceeds what would be expected by chance alone. One asterisk (*) places the likelihood that a relationship is due to chance at less than .05 (five in one-hundred); two asterisks (**) at less than .01 (one in one-hundred.) More asterisks are better; relationships that get at least one are considered “statistically significant.”

     Is there “a significant correlation between high gun law scores and low death rates”? Moving across the top row, law score, to the effect variables, we find that law scores and homicides from all causes are negatively correlated (-.248), meaning that as law scores go up, homicides go down. This is consistent with LCPGV’s claim. However, the correlation is relatively weak and there is no asterisk, so one cannot rule out that the association is caused by chance. However, law scores demonstrate a moderate, statistically significant negative relationship with gun homicides (-.366*), and a strong, statistically significant negative relationship with gun deaths (-.737**) and gun suicides (-.780**).

     So can we conclude that stronger gun laws reduce gun deaths? Not yet. Simple bivariate (two variable) analyses never suffice. It often happens that our variable of interest – here, law score – is strongly associated with a third variable that is the real “cause”. Poverty has the reputation of going hand-in-hand with violence. Its role as a “cause” is borne out by the table, which shows a strong, statistically significant positive relationship between poverty and gun homicides (.437**), meaning they go up and down together. Poverty is also significantly correlated with law scores (-.397**). Their relationship is negative, meaning that as poverty increases, gun laws get weaker. Could it be that when we measure law scores we’re actually mostly measuring poverty? Could poverty be the real culprit?

     In the table below we test the effect of law scores on gun homicides, “controlling” for poverty (meaning, removing its influence).

That’s right – when poverty is taken out, the relationship between law score and gun homicides (-.366*) becomes non-significant (-.196). Now let’s do the opposite, testing the relationship between poverty and gun homicides, controlling for law score.

Removing the effects of law score reduces the relationship between poverty and gun homicides only slightly. Poverty is by far the most important influencer. Law scores, by their lonesome, have at best only a mild effect on gun homicides.

    On the other hand, the associations between law scores and gun deaths, and law scores and gun suicides, seem far more robust from the very start. Controlling for poverty only reduces the correlation between law scores and gun deaths from -.737** to -.687**, and between law scores and gun suicides from -.780** to -.772**. Controlling for gun ownership, another variable strongly associated with law scores (-.799**) has a greater impact, reducing the correlation between law scores and gun deaths to -.346*, and between law scores and suicides to -.333*. Still, for each of these relationships the effects of law scores, by their lonesome, remains significant.

     Multiple regression analysis was used to assess the cumulative effect of the four causal variables. All together, they explained 28.1 percent of the fluctuation in gun homicides, a modest amount that suggests other important forces are likely at work. However, they did explain a full 75.6 percent of the fluctuation in gun suicides, an impressive result. (We’ll leave further number crunching to our intrepid readers. To download the dataset, click here.)

     According to the CDC, 63.5 percent of all gun deaths in 2014 (33,599) were from suicide (21,334) and 32.6 percent (10,945) were from from homicide. Our number-crunching confirmed statistically significant associations between gun laws, overall gun deaths and gun suicides, but not between gun laws and gun homicides. While our efforts are admittedly limited, they suggest that gun laws as implemented in the U.S. are far more apt at reducing gun deaths from non-criminal rather than criminal causes.

     Still, laws have deterrent value, at least for those who would be deterred. If no laws prohibited, say, gun possession by felons, many more would likely acquire guns, and gun mayhem could get much worse. In the messy, real world, even statistically non-significant effects can prove useful. When your blogger and his ATF colleagues took down gun traffickers, many guns were prospectively kept from flowing to the streets. Were some lives saved? Probably. Yet given the limits of enforcement, the impact on the illicit gun marketplace was limited. Did ATF’s Long Beach trafficking group have a statistically significant effect on gun homicide in Southern California? Hardly.

     Excuses and explanations aside, the failure of tougher gun laws to demonstrate a statistically significant impact on gun homicide inevitably disappoints. Here are a couple suggestions for making things better:

  • Tighten the right screws. As we’ve repeatedly pointed out (see, for example, “A Ban in Name Only”), assault weapons prohibitions consistently overlook the one factor that’s most closely tied to lethality: ballistics. Address that, and you’ll have many fewer deaths.
  • Laws can’t work unless they’re vigorously enforced, or if the opportunity to enforce them is lost. In California all gun transfers must go through a licensed firearms dealer where they are subject to a background check. State law also limits handgun purchases to one a month. However, these rules are much less effective if corrupt dealers are left to peddle guns out the back door, or if neighboring States with weak laws (Arizona doesn’t limit purchase quantity or frequency) become go-to places for interstate traffickers. (For more about such schemes check out “Where Do They Come From?” and the blogger’s journal article about gun sources).

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     Ideological quarrels have long kept the Federal Government from undertaking and funding gun violence prevention research. Perhaps the last effort of its kind, a meta-analysis published by the CDC in November 2002, concluded that there was insufficient evidence to assess the effectiveness of gun laws in preventing gun violence. With pitifully few scientists tackling the issue, our ignorance about such things is likely to continue. As for fighting gun diversion on the ground, that requires political will and plenty of resources. Why neither is likely to be forthcoming, at least from the Feds, should be readily apparent.

UPDATES (scroll)

12/4/21  According to the Washington Post, there have been 34 school shootings this year. But twenty States, including Michigan, lack “child access prevention laws” that require guns in households with minors be kept locked up. That, says the Post, is crucial, as its review of 105 school shootings committed by youths revealed that eighty percent got their guns from their homes, or those of friends or relatives.

6/19/20  A study published in PNAS concludes that states which have gun storage laws intended to prevent childrens’ access to guns and do not have right-to-carry or stand-your-ground laws can expect eleven percent fewer firearms deaths.

8/24/19 Guns recovered by police in California often come from Nevada, whose gun laws are far looser. California legislators are planning to ask their Nevada counterparts to prohibit assault weapons and high-capacity magazines such as used by Santino Legan, the 19-year old Nevada man who legally bought an AK-47 type weapon at a Nevada gun store on July 9, then used it to kill three and wound a dozen at the Gilroy (CA) Garlic Festival on July 28.

7/23/19 A national study that compared levels of household firearms ownership with gun homicide reveals a significant relationship between more ownership and more domestic homicides but none between ownership level and non-domestic homicides. The recently released 2016 BJS survey of prison inmates reports that ninety percent of those who used a gun in their crime did not buy it at retail. Forty-three percent got it from a street source; six percent stole it.

2/21/19 California is the only state that actively tries to confiscate guns from buyers who were convicted of a felony post-purchase. California, Connecticut and Nevada are the only states that require felons prove they have surrendered guns previously bought.

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Who’s Under the Gun? The ATF, That’s Whom     Four Weeks, Six Massacres

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Massacre Control     A Ban in Name Only     Half-Hearted     Turn off the Spigot     The Elephant

Where Do They Come From?     Reviving an Illusion     Long Live Gun Control


Sources of Crime Guns in Los Angeles, California     Washington Post     Boston public radio

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